Lamborghini-Inspired Ducati Superbike Sells Out Instantly

Lamborghini-Inspired Ducati Superbike Sells Out Instantly

We assume that the Huracan-based superbike sold out quicker than the Sian-based crotch rocket because there are far more individuals who own STOs than Sians, but another factor is probably the post-pandemic economic rise that has seen those with extra cash more willing to splurge than ever before. 2021 was Lamborghini’s best year ever, and sales don’t appear to be slowing in 2022. In the US market, more people are buying luxury cars than ever before, and they’re spending more on these cars too.

All of this provides companies like Ducati and Lamborghini impetus to produce more special editions, and you can be sure they’re coming, as Milicia concludes in his statement: “We are also aware that on this occasion some enthusiasts were not able to book the bike and fulfill their wish, but Ducati is focused [on proposing] more and more projects of this kind in the future and we are certain that everyone will have the chance to make their dream come true.”

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