Jay Leno Involved In Another Accident A Week Before His Show Is Canceled

Jay Leno Involved In Another Accident A Week Before His Show Is Canceled

As for this motorcycle accident, it seems another unfortunate series of events. Reportedly, he had been working on one of his vintage motorcycles and decided to take it for a test drive to see how it was doing. On that ride, he apparently noticed the smell of gasoline and decided to pull down a side street.

“So I turned down a side street and cut through a parking lot, and unbeknownst to me, some guy had a wire strung across the parking lot but with no flag hanging from it,” Leno told the Las Vegas Review-Journal. “So, you know, I didn’t see it until it was too late. It just clothesline, me and, boom, knocked me off the bike.”

He suffered from a broken collarbone, two broken ribs, and two cracked kneecaps thanks to the accident. He was wary of breaking the news when it happened due to the overwhelming amount of coverage his burn accident received last November, which explains the weeklong delay.

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