Watch A Classic Chevy Corvette Get Wrecked Rolling Off A Car Carrier

Watch A Classic Chevy Corvette Get Wrecked Rolling Off A Car Carrier

Taking delivery of a classic 1962 Chevrolet Corvette Convertible should be a joyous occasion but, for one owner, it quickly turned into a nightmare when his precious classic sports car rolled off a car transporter, crashing into the tarmac.

The video, first posted to TikTok, has since gone viral and shows the cream-colored ‘Vette ready to disembark. The driver of the transporter can be seen placing a chock behind the left rear wheel, but that’s not enough to stop the Chevy from flying off the ramp.

As you’d expect, social media users have criticized the driver for this. Watch closely, however, and you’ll notice the Corvette’s left rear wheel simply glides over the chock. Still, there should have been other contingencies in place. With an almighty crash, the sleek and immaculately preserved body work smashes into the road.

Horrified at what happened, the driver can be heard expressing frustration.

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