Germany Will Make It Law For Gas Stations To Fit EV Chargers

Germany Will Make It Law For Gas Stations To Fit EV Chargers

According to Reuters (citing data from the KBA federal motor authority), Germany only had roughly 1.2 million EVs on its roads at the end of April, so there’s still a long way to go. High MSRPs, limited driving range, and a lack of charging stations are all part of the problem, but this move by the government may be the turning point.

Interestingly, earlier this year, Tesla dragged Tank & Rest, a large gas station corporation in Germany, to court over its monopoly over service stations along the Autobahn, as the company has the right to decide where chargers can be installed. Tesla feels that it should be allowed to install Superchargers where they’re most needed. With this new law, Tank & Rest may be pressured into working with Tesla to save on installation costs for mandated chargers.

Back home, Shell is looking into installing chargers at US gas stations, but there has not yet been a legislative push forcing such a development.

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