Farmer arrives in an Audi to sell vegetables on the roadside [Video]

Farmer arrives in Audi to sell vegetables

The rich and lavish lifestyle is not something that we often associate with farmers. The picture that we usually paint in our minds is of individuals working hard in the fields. This has slowly started changing. Many youngsters have started coming forward to farming in many parts of the country, and they even use modern technology to farm. This has resulted in better results and improved profits for them. Many of them can actually afford a good lifestyle for themselves. Here we have a video of a young farmer who arrives in an Audi A4 sedan to sell vegetables on the roadside.

The video has been shared by a Variety farmer on his Instagram page. In this video, we see a farmer cultivating leafy vegetables from his farm. The next clip in the video shows an Audi A4 luxury sedan. The car comes and stops in front of a shop. It looks like a market area where locals usually come to buy local produce. The person who gets out of the sedan is the farmer himself. He gets out of the car and proceeds to the auto rickshaw that he uses to transport his vegetables to the market.

The leafy vegetables are all laid out on a sheet of plastic on the roadside. People soon start buying the vegetables, and soon he is sold out. Once he is done with the sale, he wraps up everything and proceeds to his car. He opens the car, wraps a lungi around his shorts to ensure that the interior of his Audi doesn’t get dirty. He then sits inside the car and drives away.

Farmer arrives in Audi to sell vegetables

The farmer seen here is Sujith. He is a young farmer from Kerala. He has been farming for over 10 years now and has received several awards for his work from the state government. Sujith, like many other farmers, had a very humble beginning. He tried cultivating a variety of crops, and that is how he started making progress. He also practices a method where he sells directly to the customer. This way, he can make a profit and also remove middlemen. Sujith bought his luxury car recently. This is actually a used Audi A4 sedan that he bought.

This is not the first time we have come across an incident where a farmer is seen driving a luxury car. A few years ago, a farmer from Tamil Nadu bought a brand new Mercedes-Benz B-Class MPV. The farmer bought a brand new Mercedes-Benz B-Class in 2018 as it was his childhood dream to buy a Mercedes. When he bought the car, the farmer was 88 years old. We also came across another example from Bihar where a farmer was actually using a BMW 5-Series sedan to carry fodder for his cattle. The video of the BMW had gone viral on the internet. He was actually carrying green fodder on the roof of the car. Here in this video, Sujith respected the car and actually carried all his produce in another vehicle. We have also seen cases where people actually use cars and bikes to make their business popular (Audi chaiwala, girl who sells pani puri from the back of her Royal Enfield).

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