Men In Maruti Eeco Threaten Toyota Fortuner Driver For Overtaking, And Break Windshield [Video]

Eeco driver throws stone at Fortuner

With the number of vehicles on our roads rising, road rage incidents are also increasing, creating a very dangerous situation. We have seen people arguing in the middle of the road for the silliest of reasons. However, these seemingly trivial reasons often escalate into serious arguments and physical altercations. In this instance, we have a video showing a group of men traveling in a Maruti Eeco van who became so frustrated with a Toyota Fortuner owner for cutting in front of them that they decided to stop their vehicle, threaten the SUV driver in the middle of the road, and even break the SUV’s windshield.

The video was shared by Prateek Singh on his YouTube channel, likely sent to him by one of his subscribers. The footage was recorded on the Fortuner’s dashcam. According to the video, the Fortuner’s owner was driving his new SUV in Kanpur. He was on the service road next to a flyover, which was narrow, as service roads often are.

The SUV driver was neither driving recklessly nor speeding. He maintained a normal speed, and we can see other vehicles, including a Maruti Eeco, in front of him. The SUV driver initially overtook the Eeco, but a few seconds later, the Eeco overtook the Fortuner again. After a few hundred meters, the Fortuner driver spotted a gap in the left lane and began overtaking the Eeco.

Just as the Fortuner was about to overtake, an autorickshaw driver in front of the Eeco decided to change lanes and moved in front of the Fortuner. For some reason, the Fortuner driver chose to return to the right lane instead of slowing down. While changing lanes, it appears the Fortuner driver neither used the proper indicator nor checked for the Eeco on the right.

It is unclear whether the Eeco driver crashed into the median because of this or if it was a near miss. The Eeco driver, now extremely furious, noticed a congestion ahead and decided to drive in front of the Fortuner to block its way. The Fortuner driver, caught off guard, probably panicked and tried to drive away.

However, he forgot he was stuck in a traffic jam. Two men from the Eeco followed the Fortuner, came in front of the SUV, and picked up a stone, threatening the driver. The Fortuner driver did not respond and remained inside the car. It seems he was encountering a situation like this for the first time.

Eeco driver throws stone at Fortuner

He pulled over to the left shoulder, fearing they might damage his car. One of the men from the van tried to persuade the other to drop the stone, but without success. The Fortuner driver stayed inside the SUV, likely looking for an opportunity to escape.

The Eeco was parked in the middle of the road, causing inconvenience to other road users. The Fortuner driver accelerated when he thought he saw a gap. The man threw a stone at the front windshield, which, luckily, did not break. However, they found another stone and threw it at the rear windshield, breaking it. The SUV’s bumper was also damaged by the stone-throwing.

While the SUV driver was at fault for not checking his surroundings or slowing down before changing lanes, we believe the reaction of the Eeco driver and passenger was excessive. Violence is never a good option on the road. If you have an issue with another motorist’s behavior, take down their number and report it to the appropriate authorities rather than engaging in arguments and fights.

The post Men In Maruti Eeco Threaten Toyota Fortuner Driver For Overtaking, And Break Windshield [Video] first appeared on Cartoq.

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