Man Sits In Middle Of Busy Road: Nearly Gets Crushed By Truck [Video]


Alcohol and all other drugs are extremely harmful to everyone. You may already know this, and we are also aware of it. However, to emphasize how being addicted to these intoxicating substances can make one act foolishly, a video was recently shared online. It was noted that a man from Uttar Pradesh was sitting in the middle of a busy road on a chair. The video also shows how he nearly came under a truck on the road.

This video of the man sitting in the middle of a busy road has been shared on X. It comes courtesy of Spectrum Global from X. We can note that in this video, which has been shared from Pratapgarh, Uttar Pradesh, a man was sitting in the middle of a road. It can also be observed that this man was not even wearing any clothes except for his underwear.

Most likely, this man was intoxicated, and due to this, he was acting irrationally. He can be seen sitting very comfortably on a plastic chair in the middle of the two lanes. The people on the road who were recording the video were shouting at him. However, he was sitting as if nothing was happening and as if he were in his living room.

What happened next?


Soon after, a few vehicles crossed without coming into contact with him. A truck then approached from behind. Most likely, the truck driver tried to avoid this person; however, due to the speed he was carrying, he could not stop the vehicle and slightly turned it away.

Despite this, the truck crashed into the chair of the intoxicated man, and it was broken, causing him to fall on the road. It can be noted that he almost came under the wheels of the truck and could have easily been crushed.

Public reactions


From the video, we can hear that after the truck crashed into this man, it must have stopped. However, the people recording the video, who were standing on the side of the road, were asking the truck driver to go away as he had done nothing wrong.

Not the first time


This is not the first time that someone has been sitting in the middle of a road. A while ago, a popular Instagram influencer, Bobby Kataria, was seen doing something similar on a public road. A video was shared by the influencer on the internet where he was setting up a table, chair, and a glass with some snacks on the road.

He was then seen pouring whiskey from a Jack Daniels bottle into his glass and drinking it in the middle of the road. He was doing this to show how powerful he was and how no one could stop him. However, thankfully, soon after the video went viral on the internet, the police authorities arrested this influencer.

People become reckless after drinking

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As we all are aware, drinking is only okay as long as it’s done in moderation. However, there are many people who love drinking until they lose consciousness. These are the types of people who cause accidents and incidents in public places. Many people even drive after drinking, and it is one of the biggest problems faced in India.

It has been reported that over 12,000 people have been booked for drunken driving in the first half of 2024. This statistic represents a 27% increase from 2023, according to the Delhi Traffic Police. They highlighted that this is an alarming increase in the cases of drunk driving.

The post Man Sits In Middle Of Busy Road: Nearly Gets Crushed By Truck [Video] first appeared on Cartoq.

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