Alert Scorpio driver saves biker who carelessly changed lanes [Video]

mahindra scorpio vs stupid bikers

Driving on Indian roads presents a challenge, exemplified by numerous online instances proving the same. Videos showcase individuals carelessly driving, riding, and even walking on the roads. Riding on the wrong side and reckless driving are prevalent issues. Despite surveillance cameras and stringent rules in place, people persist in these behaviors. Such disregard for traffic regulations often results in accidents, and tragically, lives have been lost on these roads. One particular video demonstrates the quick thinking of a Mahindra Scorpio driver who averted a potentially fatal incident involving a scooter and its riders attempting to change lanes and cross the road.

The video was uploaded by Prateek Singh on his YouTube channel and shared by one of his online subscribers. According to the footage, the owner of the Mahindra Scorpio and their family were driving along a poorly lit highway from Jamshedpur to Kolkata at night.

Street lights were absent, and vehicles approaching from the opposite direction were all using high beams. The Scorpio driver, unable to see ahead, also resorted to using high beams. Despite maintaining a speed of 80-81 kmph, well within the speed limit, visibility remained limited. In the distance, two two-wheelers were seen—one slowing down while the other continued ahead.

As the Mahindra Scorpio neared, one scooter rider decided to change lanes for a U-turn, just as the Scorpio approached from behind. With minimal time to react, the Scorpio driver applied brakes and maneuvered the car away from the scooter. Crossing the median gap, the car veered to the opposite side of the road, fortunately avoiding any oncoming vehicles. Eventually, the Scorpio came to a stop at the service road on the opposite lane.

careless scooter rider crossing road

The way the Mahindra Scorpio driver handled the situation was commendable. A collision with the scooter would likely have resulted in severe injuries to its three unhelmeted riders. Analysis suggests that the scooter riders were attempting a U-turn through a median gap, acting hastily without checking for approaching vehicles. This is not the first time, we have come across a video like this. Similar incidents have happened in the past as well. We have seen video from Rajasthan where a careless scooter rider who was speaking on phone while riding crossed the crossed without looking at the oncoming traffic and crashed into a Hyundai Verna that was approaching.

In an ideal scenario, the scooter should have stopped, checked for oncoming traffic, allowed it to pass, and crossed safely. However, the rider skipped these precautions, directly moving to the opposite lane. Both the Scorpio driver and the scooter riders narrowly escaped a major accident. The chances of Scorpio losing control toppling on the road were also pretty high. Thankfully nothing like that happened. The video doesn’t show how the occupants in the Mahindra Scorpio reacted after this incident. The occupants including the driver would have definitely been in shock. This incident underscores the importance of having a dash camera in your car and the risks of overspeeding, especially at night. Without the footage, the car driver might have been wrongly blamed had an accident occurred.

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