BMW Group Celebrates Increased Global Deliveries In 2023


BMW Group celebrated global success this past financial year.

Recently, BMW Group closed the chapter on its 2023 financial year, and looking back at its results, it’s announced that there is lots to be proud of. Throughout the year, BMW Group managed to deliver 2,554,183 vehicles across the globe, a 6.4 percent increase over 2022, and 717,620 of those were delivered in the fourth quarter alone, an increase of over 10 percent compared to 2022’s number.

This has translated to strong financial performance, as well, with EBT and EBIT increased over 2022’s number. Of the over 2.5 million vehicles BMW Group delivered over the past year, 375,716 of them were fully-electric, and 565,875 of them were electrified, marking an incredible 74.1 percent increase and 30.5 percent increase over 2022 respectively.

The increase of deliveries for electric and electrified vehicles is one of the biggest highlights for BMW Group, which contributes towards its long-term goals of electrification, and as a result increasing environmental stability and reducing negative environmental impacts from its fleet. Throughout 2023, BMW Group decreased its European fleet’s CO2 emissions by 2.8 percent. At 102.1 grams per kilometer, it sits well below the European Union’s target figure of 128.5 grams per kilometer.

With positive financial results, increased deliveries, and the dramatic increase of electric and electrified vehicles’ presence and contribution to the success within the BMW Group, as well as a significant stride made towards sustainability, the future is bright for the manufacturer. With a positive 2023 in the books, BMW looks forward to continuing on the same path this year.

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