Climate Change Activists Stage Dumbest Protest Ever At German Formula E Race

Climate Change Activists Stage Dumbest Protest Ever At German Formula E Race

Formula E is the most environmentally-friendly motorsport there is. Yes, they use batteries for power but offset their carbon footprint via various clean energy projects like Piedra Larga Wind Farm II in Mexico. Each part of the car is built to be recycled, and the power units are now so advanced that 40% of the energy used during the race is claimed from regenerative braking. For charging, the teams use generators fueled by 100% sustainable fuel. In short, a Tesla Model Y is less environmentally-friendly than a Formula E racer.

Also, you guys aren’t winning any favors with such extreme action. Why defile magnificent artworks? Yes, Gustav Klimt was Austrian, but as far as we know, he didn’t drive a locally-built Mercedes-AMG G63, mostly because he died 50 years before the first G-Class was built.

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