This past May, Cohiba welcomed its first-ever Lancero cigar.
The new size is part of the brand’s ultra-premium Riviera collection, a six-region blend named after the lush San Andrés Tuxtla Valley where the cigar’s wrapper was cultivated.
Cohiba Brand Ambassador Sean Williams said, “The Lancero is a sophisticated vitola, and it was with great intention that we chose to debut this format under the Riviera line. Cohiba Riviera embodies the brand’s style and substance in a way that is classically modern, and our resurgence of this classic size feels new and contemporary in its box pressed format, especially under the Riviera umbrella.”
Cohiba Riviera Lancero began shipping to retailers on May 1. The cigars are box-pressed and presented in regal purple boxes that contain 15 cigars.
Cohiba Riviera Lancero (7” x 38); SRP per cigar $14.99
Handcrafted in Nicaragua at STG Estelí, Cohiba Riviera is a bold and balanced blend made with exceptional tobaccos from Nicaragua, with Honduran tobaccos grown exclusively for the collection. The cigar is made with a Mexican San Andrés wrapper that crowns a Honduran-grown Connecticut binder and features filler tobaccos including proprietary Honduran Jamastran and Honduran La Entrada, as well as Nicaraguan Condega and Nicaraguan Estelí.
The medium-to-full bodied offering delivers an elegant smoking experience consisting of dark chocolate and espresso notes with a hint of leather and subtle cream on the finish. In addition to the soon-to-be-released Lancero frontmark, the blend is available in three sizes, including Cohiba Riviera Robusto (5” x 52); SRP per cigar $19.99; 20 cigars per box; Cohiba Riviera Toro (6.5” x 52); SRP per cigar $21.99; 20 cigars per box, and Cohiba Riviera Perfecto (6” x 60); SRP per cigar $23.99; 10 cigars per box.