Presented by Cohiba.
This past spring, Cohiba proudly released the second edition of its well-received Cohiba Serie M limited edition cigar – the first-ever Cohiba made in the USA.
Handcrafted by master rollers, Cohiba Serie M is a testament to the passion, commitment and artistry that drives the cigar community. Each Cohiba Serie M cigar is handmade by the Cuban expatriate cigarmakers of the El Titán de Bronze Cigar Factory in Miami’s Little Havana district.
Cohiba Brand Ambassador Sean Williams said, “Since its debut a year ago, Cohiba Serie M has been a resounding success. We’ve received high praise from cigar media, shop owners and cigar lovers who have called Serie M one of the most exciting Cohiba blends they have ever smoked. Together with Sandy Cobas (owner of El Titán de Bronze) and her team, we’re proud to release the blend in a new size, giving cigar connoisseurs another opportunity to experience the artistry of Serie M.”
Cohiba Serie M originally debuted in April 2021, when 5,000 boxes of a 6” x 52 Toro were shipped to U.S. retailers. This year’s Cohiba Serie M Corona Gorda (6.5” x 48) is available for a suggested retail price of $29.99 per cigar, and will be presented in 10-count boxes that sell for $299.90 apiece. The new frontmark began shipping to retailers on April 4, and just 5,000 boxes were released.
Crafted according to old-world techniques and featuring a double binder, closed foot and triple cap with a signature fan, Cohiba Serie M is a medium-to-full-bodied cigar brimming with depth and character. Made with exquisite, aged tobaccos, the cigar is enveloped in a lustrous Nicaraguan Corojo wrapper, a first for Cohiba. The binder is Nicaraguan and the blend features hand-selected Nicaraguan Jalapa and Esteli and Dominican Piloto Cubano tobaccos.
The Cohiba Serie M smoking experience is rich, creamy and bold, layered with subtle spice notes and nuances of roasted coffee beans.