Elevating the Buying Experience: How Bell Redefines Helicopter Purchases


Have you ever bought a new vehicle? You might be familiar with making an inquiry, meeting the typical salesperson who has little to no experience with your needs, working with countless individuals to finalize your purchase, or being persisted to purchase before having your wants and needs considered. All of this to then never hear back from the team after completing the buying process.

This isn’t how a helicopter purchase is made with Bell.

Bell understands that the process of buying a new vehicle is already stressful enough. Hear from Christian Palmaz about how our team’s approach to sales goes beyond your typical sales team.

“What I was expecting was the salesman, what I got was one of the most accomplished aviators I have ever met” -Christian Palmaz

Not only do we possess the most knowledgeable and accomplished aviators front-lining our sales teams, but we also have the best-continued support and communication systems post-purchase that the aerospace industry has yet to see.

“There’s a lot of really accomplished pilots, aviators, and engineers that are a phone call away” -Christian Palmaz

Our customers are more than just that, they’re family. When you buy Bell, you are not only getting an aircraft, you are getting continued support, consistent communication, and a priceless connection to a network of aviation experts from across the globe.

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