First Ineos Grenadier Models Delivered In The Coolest Way Possible

First Ineos Grenadier Models Delivered In The Coolest Way Possible

The journey wasn’t intended to be a walk in the park, but it was more difficult than Ineos originally intended.

They were accompanied by Ineos employees, filmmakers documenting the trip, and, most importantly, professional off-road driving instructors. What should have been days of driving in the scorching heat turned into days of traversing rain-soaked roads, rising rivers, and the worst snowstorm the region had seen in ten years. By the end of the ordeal, we imagine the people running the event wanting to pull their hair out.

Detours were made, and plans were changed, but in the end, the three contestants and crew all made it out alive and with one heck of a story to tell. It’s one of the most extraordinary ways we’ve ever seen a company deliver a vehicle, and we’re sure the owners will never forget it.

It’s also the perfect publicity stunt to prove Ineos is the real deal, not just because some famous race car driver says so.

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