Genesis To Rival Rolls-Royce With Suicide Doors

Genesis To Rival Rolls-Royce With Suicide Doors

Genesis also notes that the design is ideal for “leisure activities,” which suggests that the feature may make its way to an SUV someday. Kia’s Concept EV9 showed just how spacious the combination of suicide doors and no B-pillars can make the cabin feel, and although Genesis still has a lot of interest in sedans and coupes, perhaps this would make larger family cars like the GV80 even more attractive.

Obviously, it’s safe to assume that Genesis will ensure there is no water or air ingress, and the chassis will be strengthened to make up for the structural losses of deleting the B-pillars.

Will it make production? We don’t see why not.

After all, Genesis has been toying with the idea for a long time, and a Hyundai concept from 2013 called the HCD-14 Genesis – which previewed a high-end Genesis model devoid of Hyundai badges – featured such a design.

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