Lamborghini, Porsche Supercars Carefully Climb Over Huge Speed Breaker (Video)

Speedbreakers & supercars

Indian roads are filled with surprises. One thing you’ll find, even on highways in some parts of the country, are speed breakers. The basic idea behind speed breakers is to reduce the speed of vehicles approaching an intersection or an area with civilian population. However, at times, these speed breakers are not built in a scientific manner. Here, we have a video that shows how supercar owners in India tackle the massive speed breaker problem.

The video has been shared by Spotter India on their YouTube channel. It was recorded somewhere in Karnataka, and we know that there is a decent population of supercars in this South Indian state. First, we see a Porsche 911 approaching a massive speed breaker on the road. We see bikers and other car owners driving over the speed breaker without any issue.

But if you look carefully, the design of the breaker is not supercar or sports car-friendly. We see the Porsche driver coming to a complete stop before approaching the speed breaker. They, in fact, turned the steering a bit to the left so that the car’s tire comes in contact with the breaker first. If they were to drive straight, it would have damaged the front bumper of the car for sure.

The driver drives over the speed breaker without any issues. Next, we see a Lamborghini Gallardo approaching the same speed breaker. It looks like both cars were on a Sunday morning drive. The nose of the Gallardo looked too low, almost like the car was too close to the road. The Gallardo driver also took a similar approach. They turned the car to the left and drove over the breaker sideways. Looking at the video, it felt like the drivers have been doing this for a very long time and are used to it. People on bikes can be seen looking at the supercars. They look a bit confused as they have no idea what is happening.

Speed breakers & supercars

Driving in India, especially if you own a supercar like the Porsche 911 or the Lamborghini, becomes a challenge in itself. While the speed breaker seen here looks fine, we have come across several instances in the past where speed breakers constructed in an unscientific manner have caused damage to vehicles. Even cars and SUVs with high ground clearance have gotten stuck on such speed breakers.

On highways, authorities should ideally remove the speed breakers and replace them with rumble strips. If you want to avoid accidents, remove those speed breakers from the highway and place them on roads that are joining the highway. This way, cars or other vehicles coming from the other road would actually slow down and look for oncoming traffic before joining the highway.

We really feel bad for the supercar owners as they have to come up with a way to tackle such speed breakers almost every time they take their cars out. This time, they drove over the breaker without any damage, but we are not sure if all other speed breakers are just like this or not in Bengaluru.

The post Lamborghini, Porsche Supercars Carefully Climb Over Huge Speed Breaker (Video) first appeared on Cartoq.

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