MG Hector Breaks Dealer Display And Falls Off Ramp After Customer Presses Accelerator [Video]

MG Hector Crashed

We have come across several videos from different parts of the country where deliveries of new cars or SUVs have gone wrong. It’s not just during deliveries; people often get too excited when they see their dream car inside the dealership and end up pressing buttons and pedals they shouldn’t. Here, we have one such video where a Hector SUV parked inside an MG dealership broke the glass and fell off a ramp after the customer who was checking the car engaged the gear and pressed the accelerator.

The video has been shared by Prateek Singh on his YouTube channel. It looks like one of his followers shared this video online. The video is from Telangana’s Karimnagar. In this video, we see an MG Hector SUV parked inside a dealership. According to the video, the customer wanted to check the features of the SUV. He asked the sales executive to turn on the car so that he could experience the features.

While checking the features, it looks like the customer accidentally engaged the gear, and before he realized it, the car started moving. Panic struck, and the customer pressed the accelerator instead of the brakes. Before you knew it, the SUV broke the glass at the dealership. It didn’t stop there, and the SUV continued to move forward and fell off the ramp.

The SUV had so much momentum that it didn’t stop and went ahead onto the road. We are not sure if the SUV crashed into any other vehicles after it reached the road. It looks like the customer was alone in the car when the accident happened. We can see the dealership staff running after the SUV to stop it.

MG Hector Crashed

It is quite possible that the SUV seen in the video is an automatic variant and the customer was probably not very experienced with automatics. There is a common mistake that people make while driving automatics.

People often use both their feet to drive an automatic, like they do in a manual. Instead of the clutch, they rest their left foot on the brake pedal, and this often creates problems as they unintentionally press the accelerator and brakes at the same time.

In this case, though, the driver seemed inexperienced. If it had been a person who was aware of or experienced in driving cars, they would have immediately applied the brakes and avoided the accident. In fact, if you look carefully, the customer had the door open and was probably looking for an opportunity to jump out.

To avoid such accidents, it is always recommended not to start display cars that are parked inside the showroom. If you really want to check all the details and features of a car in a detailed manner, look for a car that is parked outside the dealership in the presence of a staff member.

If you are not experienced with automatics, inform them so they can educate the customer on how to use the pedals. We really hope that the customer and the staff who were present when this accident happened have escaped without any major injuries.

The post MG Hector Breaks Dealer Display And Falls Off Ramp After Customer Presses Accelerator [Video] first appeared on Cartoq.

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