Slippery Mountain Road vs. Tata Sumo! Survives A Scary Slide

Sumo struggling on a slippery road

We discuss the improvement of road infrastructure and highways in various parts of the country. However, there are still many places where road connectivity is a problem. In many mountain regions, roads are frequently washed away due to heavy rains and landslides. In Arunachal Pradesh, many areas still lack proper roads. People living here often rely on shared cab services. Here, we have a video of one such mountain road in Arunachal Pradesh, where a fully loaded Tata Sumo is seen struggling to climb.

The video has been shared by ACF News Network on their YouTube channel. The video was recorded on a mountain road in Arunachal Pradesh. The road depicted in the video does not look great at all. Due to rain or some other reason, the road is extremely muddy and slippery. We do not see many vehicles passing through this risky route. It should be noted that the road is not very wide either. The camera is placed on a hairpin curve.

A few seconds into the video, we see a fully loaded Tata Sumo approaching the turn. As the road was slippery, the driver was maintaining momentum to ensure that the car does not get stuck. As it approaches the turn, we can see that the driver pushes the accelerator, and the wheels start spinning on the slippery surface. The driver manages to go ahead; however, the MUV gets stuck at one point. Once the driver loses momentum, the car does not move forward. The driver is forced to bring the car back and attempt the climb again.

Sumo struggling on a slippery road

As soon as he engages the reverse gear and moves, the car loses control and starts slipping down. The driver somehow regains control and carefully drives the car back. He drives all the way to the bottom of the climb. The driver then prepares for the climb once again. This time, he chooses a different path to climb up. He is driving very close to the edge of the turn where there is grass. This would provide him with the much-needed traction while going up. He thinks of this and drives the Sumo forward; however, the slippery road does not allow the driver to maintain the line. The wheels start spinning, and by the time he approaches the curve, the car has lost momentum.

The car continues to move forward and somehow gets stuck just before clearing the stretch. Locals who have gathered around come forward to help, and they push the Sumo forward. The video description is actually a plea to the government and the local representatives to improve the condition of the road. The driver appears to be experienced in this case. This road is actually quite risky because not everyone can drive up this stretch. The driver is not only risking his life but also the lives of others in the car. This is the only mode of public transport that these people have in this area. Tata has officially stopped the Sumo, but it is still very commonly seen in many mountain regions. The rear-wheel-drive (RWD) MUV actually performed pretty well in this situation.

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