The Bugatti Veyron GS Vitesse Still Holds A Top Speed Record

The Bugatti Veyron GS Vitesse Still Holds A Top Speed Record

“Minus the roof, the Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport Vitesse demonstrates just how unparalleled Bugatti’s engineering expertise is. Although the weight distribution is completely different when the roof is down, the vehicle remains stable and accelerates just as impressively as it does with the roof closed,” explains Christophe Piochon, President of Bugatti Automobiles. “With the Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport Vitesse, Bugatti proved it was possible to build an open-top hyper sports car with very high performance and power output that drives extremely dynamically and very comfortably.”

If you need a refresher on the Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse, it was a hyped-up version of the Grand Sport roadster that used the 1,184 horsepower powertrain from the Super Sport.

The consumer demand was there to build the most powerful production roadster and provide an even faster open-top experience. After a verified run, the Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse hit 254 mph (408.84 km/h), a top speed record that remains untouched.

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