These States Have The Worst Road Rage In The Country

These States Have The Worst Road Rage In The Country

The top ten states for violent road rage are Arizona, Rhode Island, West Virginia, Oklahoma, Alabama, Connecticut, Illinois, Texas, and Ohio.

Five of the 10 states with the most aggressive individuals are in the South. These states include West Virginia, Virginia, Oklahoma, Alabama, and Texas. The most polite drivers come from the Pacific and West, including Idaho, Wyoming, Washington, and New Mexico. Oddly, some of these states also featured in a study as being the worst to drive in.

The state you’re most likely to be forced off the road is Illinois, with 23.5% of respondents being caught in that scenario. Alabama, Rhode Island, and Illinois are tied as the most likely places where another driver will try to block you from changing lanes at 63.5%. Texas and West Virginia drivers are the most likely to cut you off on purpose with 63%. Texas and Rhode Island are the states where you’re most likely to get honked, with 79% of respondents stating that it happened to them.

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