YouTuber takes 15 year-old Cancer patient for a drive in a BMW M3 : Priceless reaction [Video]

YouTuber takes 15 year-old Cancer patient for a drive in a BMW M3 : Priceless reaction [Video]

We have seen many videos on the internet where YouTubers and social media influencers surprise their parents or followers with gifts and giveaways. In some cases, these social media influencers even organize meetups with their fans. Here, we have a video in which a YouTuber who makes videos related to modified cars, supercars, and sports cars in Mumbai paid a surprise visit to one of his young subscribers and took him out for a spin in his BMW M3 convertible sports car.

The video has been uploaded by Horsepower Cartel on their YouTube channel. In this video, the YouTuber, along with his friend, was driving in his BMW M3 early in the morning in Mumbai. He mentions at the start of the video that he had received a message from one of his followers on Instagram saying that his brother had been following his channel for a very long time and he would like to meet him. He also mentioned that his brother is a Leukemia patient, and they are here in Mumbai for his treatment.

The YouTuber agreed to meet him. The guy’s name was Haamid, and it was his brother Ahmad who messaged the YouTuber. Haamid had no idea that he was going to meet the YouTuber that day. Haamid accompanied his brother Ahmad to a spot because he told him that he was going to meet one of his school friends. Haamid lives in the USA and came here to Mumbai for treatment. While Haamid was waiting for Ahmad’s friend, he saw the M3 convertible slow down on the other side of the road.

YouTuber driving BMW M3 with his fan

He was extremely surprised to see the car, and soon he realized that the person driving the car was actually his favorite YouTuber. He was shocked to see him and was confused because he had no idea what was happening. The vlogger soon spoke to Haamid and made him comfortable. Soon the vlogger asked him to sit inside the car and took both brothers for a drive in his BMW M3. While they were sitting, both of them spoke about cars and interests. Haamid said that the Porsche 911 is his dream car, and one day, he wishes to own it.

The vlogger then drives the car on the Bandra-Worli Sea Link, and he was surprised to see how fast the car actually was. The car was easily doing triple digit speeds on the sea link, but the speed is not clearly mentioned in the video. Ahmad, who is an engineering student, asked a bit about the car, and the vlogger tells him that this is a 2011 model BMW M3, and he apologized for not being able to meet him last week as his car was not ready. He took the car for servicing, and it did not come back on time. He even mentioned that one of his friends owns the fastest Nissan GTR in the country, and next time, he would also come with them for a drive. The kid was extremely happy and surprised to see the car at first, and as the drive continued, we could see a big smile on his face. Haamid can be heard saying in the video that this feeling is going to be there with him for a very long time.

The post Mumbai YouTuber takes 15 year-old Cancer patient fan for a drive in a BMW M3 convertible: Price … first appeared on Cartoq.

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